What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion and manipulation of needles in the body to help restore the free movement of qi (vital energy). When qi is able to move smoothly throughout the body, it animates our interconnecting parts, encourages natural processes to flow, and brings forth the vibrancy and spirit that we recognize as expressions of good health.
What can acupuncture help with?
Almost anything. I've seen great results when helping people with regulating their nervous systems, addressing chronic muscle tension, supporting injury or post-op recovery, supporting metabolism and digestion, and investigating and resolving many symptoms exacerbated by mental and emotional stress, physical taxation, or illness. Acupuncture is beautiful as a tool for self-discovery, and many people find the treatments to be deeply relaxing, though the experience always depends on what challenges we're navigating together.
What is a treatment like?
The initial treatment will begin with a comprehensive intake. We’ll talk about what you’re experiencing and review whatever medical history is relevant.
After the intake, I’ll help you get into a comfortable position on the massage table or seated in a chair, depending on your needs. I’ll palpate areas of your body, get your feedback, perform pulse and tongue diagnosis, and then begin needling, all the while staying in communication with you. This means I’ll be constantly observing, palpating, or sometimes asking if you’re feeling any change of sensation.
Once all the needles are in, you’ll have a period to rest. Depending on the presenting condition, I may add a few minutes of moxibustion (herbal heat therapy), cupping, gua sha, or bodywork to complement the acupuncture treatment. Chinese herbal formulas will be prescribed as appropriate. Dietary and lifestyle recommendations will be discussed over the course of our work together.
Follow-up treatments follow the same basic structure, with a shorter intake.
How many treatments should I expect?
The effects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine are cumulative. At the beginning, I will often recommend 3-5 weekly sessions, so we can let your body take in new information, and I can learn about you and how you generally respond to treatments. This foundation will allow us to clarify what health goals to prioritize, and what frequency of treatment will best support that.
Sometimes, one to three treatments can almost completely resolve an acute condition (e.g. back pain that was brought on suddenly during a period of stress). Conditions that are more chronic in nature will require a longer period of regular treatments. Once we’ve seen significant improvement to a chief complaint, it may be appropriate to reduce the frequency of treatments to prevent flare-ups or prepare for the natural stress of life changes and transitions. For some, the resolution of a chief complaint may open up the space and awareness to explore other areas of imbalance through Chinese medicine.
Does acupuncture hurt?
The answer varies. Some people hardly feel the needles, while others register some pain with needle insertion. For everyone, the initial feelings of sharpness should quickly subside, otherwise needles will be adjusted or removed.
There are also a variety of sensations that one might feel during an acupuncture session, aside from a possible initial pinch. These sensations have been described as heavy, radiating, moving, tingling, warming, cooling, and relaxing. Typically, these sensations are brief and subtle. In some instances, they will be more obvious, as with an intentional muscle twitch to promote the release of muscle tension.
Do you accept insurance?
No, but some insurance plans will reimburse partial or full costs of acupuncture services. If you think your insurance plan does, I can provide a superbill that you can use to file a claim for reimbursement. Acupuncture services are also eligible for reimbursement with FSA, HRA, and HSA.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I accept payment by cash and credit card.
Can I give a session as a gift?
Yes, you can purchase gift cards here. They will be sent electronically to the recipient, and they have no expiration date.